Monday, July 23, 2012

A vide grenier bargain.

Look what Mr Joe spotted at a recent vide grenier (a sort of car boot sale)!

It was missing it's base but we couldn't resist.  We've been looking for a raised pie tin for a while but didn't want to spend the £90+ that they seem to cost.  This bottomless antique one was a bargain at only €10 but Mr Joe still managed to haggle and got it for €8!  Even more of a bargain was the collection of other pie dishes which were only €1.  Some of them are very well used - imagine all the tarts that have been baked in them before...

They were pretty rusty when we got them but we thought that one of them could donate itself as a base for the raised pie tin.  I've given them a quick scrub with vinegar, lemon juice and bicarbonate of soda to remove the rust. Some of them need another go with the mix but I think at least three of them will be useable such as the brioche and circular pan.  In the meantime, our lovely neighbour has since very kindly made me a base for the pie tin so 0I don't have to sacrifice any of these.

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