Friday, April 5, 2013

My new Larder

So what have we been up to over these cold winter months?

One project was the creation of a larder.  We have a very French arrangement (not surprisingly I guess as we're in France) of a separate toilet next to our bathroom.  There's an extension on the back of the house which contains the kitchen, the 1980s beige bathroom and a separate toilet.  They're all North facing so very cold.  We plan to update the '80's beige that is our bathroom but that's another story for another day because it's dependent on installing a new bathroom upstairs. Anyway, it just seemed awkward and wrong having the toilet in a separate room so, not that long ago, Joe drilled through the bathroom/toilet wall, bashed out a chunk with a wrecking bar, removed the bidet from the bathroom and threw it out of the window then moved the toilet next door into the bathroom where it belongs.

The small "room" that was the toilet then had a good scrub down.  Some shelves were added and I made a light fitting out of one of my vide grenier bargains from the summer, inspired by the lights I saw in Roscoff.  I then painted the door with blackboard paint - great for a shopping list

It's wonderful to have the extra storage, especially as it stays so cool in there.  Much better than having a cold toilet!


  1. Fabby Cat - I especially love the idea of using the door as a blackboard! You will now have a wonderful place to store your cheese at the right temperature too! My Granny used to store her milk in her larder in a terracotta contraption with water around it - apparently the evaporation kept the milk cold - a bit like a wine cooler I suppose! x

  2. Thank you! Yes it's great for cheeses (and wine!). We've been doing some more work on the rest of the kitchen too but need to finish off a few bits. Hope spring has sprung for you both in Paradise. XXX
